刘念 博士






●  研究兴趣、领域:


●  代表性论文:

1. Liu, N.*, Lee, C.*, Swigut, T., Grow, E., Gu, B., Bassik, M., and Wysocka, J. Selective silencing of euchromatic L1s revealed by genome-wide screens for L1 regulators. Nature 553, 228-232 (2018).

2. Liu, N., Dai, Q., Zheng, G., He, C., Parisien, M., Pan, T. N6-methyladenosine-dependent RNA structural switches regulate RNA–protein interactions. Nature 518, 560-564 (2015).

3. Liu, N.*, Pan, T.* N6-methyladenosine-coded RNA Epigenetics. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 23, 98-102 (2016).

4. Liu, N.*, Zhou, K.*, Parisien, M., Dai, Q., Diatchenko, L., and Pan, T. N6-methyladenosine alters RNA structure to regulate binding of a low-complexity protein. Nucleic Acids Res. 45 (10), 6051-6063 (2017).

5. Liu, N., Parisien, M., Dai, Q., Zheng, G., He, C., and Pan, T. Probing N6-methyl-adenosine RNA modification status at single nucleotide resolution in mRNA and long noncoding RNA. RNA 19, 1848-1856 (2013).



●  荣誉、奖励及参加学术团体的情况:

Bayer Investigator Award (2020)

Jane Coffin Child Foundation Fellowship (2016-2019)

RNA Society / Scaringe Graduate Student Award (2016)

Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad (2016)

Aldrich Alfred R. Bader Award for Student Innovation (2015)

●  联系方式:



通讯地址:北京市澳门尼斯人娱乐网站(中国)有限公司,刘念实验室 100084